It's a simple pleasure that we often take for granted: feeling the wind in our hair.
As we get older, the opportunities for us to experience that pleasure fade.
And it is precisely that pleasure that captures the essence of Cycling Without Age.
The movement started in Denmark in 2012 and has since expanded to more than 20 countries.
It began with one man's desire to bring the joy of cycling to people who'd lost the ability because of age.
In doing so, Ole Kassow created a space for something much deeper.
Not only did the rides foster a connection between the young and old, they gave the elderly a chance to revisit and remember the places they once knew, to share stories about the past and to see how life had changed.
There couldn't be a better place for that than Singapore.
The ever changing city is home to Cycling Without Age's first Asian branch, and it's ripe with opportunity for the so-called pioneer generation to share about what life was like before Singapore's rapid - and unceasing - transformation went into full force.
Being the modern metropolis that it now is, these opportunities are rare. And we often don't place enough importance on them.
So here's a chance to be a positive force in your community, to dedicate some time to the elderly, to show them they are valued, and in return, you get to experience your city in a different way.
And feel the wind in your hair.
Get involved! Borrow the trishaw so you can take some seniors riding! Or, if you are a Singapore-registered charity and want to have a trishaw of your own, you can ask Cycling Without Age for one.