Friends of Orchha is a social enterprise that works with local families to open their homes to travellers, to create more sustainable livelihoods.
Friends of Orchha is a social enterprise that works with local families to open their homes to travellers, to create more sustainable livelihoods.
"The house feels empty when there are no guests staying over – that’s how comfortable we’ve gotten with having tourists staying with us.
We were the first of the two families who agreed to be a part of the homestay initiative. It was a financially difficult time and we were struggling to make ends meet and have even one meal a day.
There were some others in the village who cautioned us against going forward citing that this may be a ruse for ‘outsiders’ to steal our houses from us. We were concerned but we didn’t have much else to lose and wanted to be hopeful for the sake of our two children.
Eventually, tourists began coming to our village and started staying with us. Our means to provide for our children gradually began to improve. The homestay has offered us immense exposure to people as well as cultures that are unique and different from our own.
Some tourists who stayed with us have helped my kids with their homework, especially in English and Maths. My children have benefited in so many ways from having tourists from around the world and within India stay with us. They’ve become confident. They speak more comfortably in English. They are better informed about things as they happen around the world, because they get to interact with the guests.”
Read more about Friends of Orchha
Meet Kusum and Havi of Friends of Orchha